Hon.Rajendra Ghadage
Vice President
Dear Student’s
I am indeed very pleased to note your interest to joining Poona District Education Association, PUNE 411038. As its President, I offer you a very cordial welcome. I must say that your critical wisdom is reflected in choosing your courses for your further studies. The institute has stood above the rest in it’s approach to education and it’s pedagogies. Seeing young people all around me, sensing their hopes and aspiration and being aware of their triumphs and joys, I must say that future of young generation is full of opportunities and promises. At P.D.E.A. we offer an excellent infrastructure, update education and training to our students through our Diploma, Degree in Professional & Non-Professional courses which are housed in beautiful buildings.
The majority of our students pursue post-graduate studies after graduating from the college. For those who wish to take up a job immediately on graduation, the institutions provides excellent placement services. A number of our students have been placed in good, lucrative jobs.
Our faculty is motivated and student oriented. We are always trying to help students to meet their goals by imparting quality education in various faculties. Our Libraries and Laboratories are fully equipped and designed as per the needs of the curriculum and also continuously updated while we are careful to see that the quality of education given to the students be high. Our qualified, young and enthusiastic teaching staff imparts a good quantum of curricular knowledge to our students and assist them in organization of several co-curricular activities throughout the year apart from academic schedule. Our students are encouraged to plan and organize activities which will develop their latest talents. This helps in overall development of our students in order to successfully face the challenges of 21st century knowledge era.
You will be happy to know that the track record of achievements of our branches is indeed commendable. A distinguished and committed faculty, an infrastructure which is constantly upgraded and a calendar filled with multifarious activities that combine learning and fun are features of our institutions, which have enabled our students to bring laurels in various competitions in academics, sports and cultural events.
I am aware of the vision which you have about your future career and the dreams which you are cherishing in your minds. Let me assure you that we help you to nurture them. So let us work together and make an endeavor to build a fine career for yourselves.
At P.D.E.A. we try to guide all those who choose to become part of the fraternity to mature into balanced, socially aware and humane individuals. I wish you a very promising and fruitful career as the student of P.D.E.A.
I wish you all the best in your efforts to gain admission in the course and institute of your choice.
I take this opportunity to wish each one of our student, success in their studies and all their future endeavors. l hope that they carry forward the rich academic I traditions set by their predecessors and fulfill the expectations of their teachers and parents.